As peradvisery guidance of govt of India ministry of health
patients with mild covid infection can be managed at home only. with
symptomatic control medication and with proper care we know that covid -19,
70-80% infection would be mild you will get better within few days to few weeks
your doctor will give you the best treatment with taking care of symptom and
help you get better fast
Here we talking about some aspect which we will enhance
speedy recovery:
Take proper rest
To maintain the daily routine
Get up on time, Shower once a day, change your clothes daily
and maintain proper hygiene, maintain a level of activity, move above 10-15
minute 2-3 times in your room every day, this will keep you refresh, it will
keep the circulation leg your going and prevent the chances of deep vein
thrombosis which can happen because of prolonging resting.
Diet should be easy to digest but should have all the
required nutrients (cereal, protein, fruits which rich in vitamin c citric
fruit and sessional fruit will very help full for your recovery, the importance
of liquids and water cannot be over emphasizes have about 3-4 liters of liquid,
warm water, tea coffee, milk, etc, also you can have turmeric, honey,
ginger,giloy this thing in your diet as a supplement to your nutritional food
requirement as well as to boost your immunity. because covid 19 infection you are through main scratchy
irritated and sometimes even pain is important to do gargle at least 3 times a
day after eating your food to reduce pain, irritation, viral load in throat
During covid 19 infection the main organ which takes the brants
is your lungs to keep your lung in good shape do this thing:
1-do steam at least three times a day.
2-try to lying down on your stomach, pillow placement is
very important when you are doing this don’t press your stomach because between
the chest and hip bone our diaphragmatic muscle is lying don’t press your
stomach diaphragmatic movement is very important. place one pillow beneath the
upper chest and another on beneath the hip pone and you can move your hand as
comfortable you are. it will improve and open up your lungs and the back of the
chest where most of the part of the lung is lying. so it will improve
oxygenation so while resting and be careful don’t do it immediately after
eating food it is also contraindicated for obese( who have a fatty stomach, it
can disturb diaphragm function ), pregnancy, spondylolisthesis, back surgery,
thigh bone surgery you should consult with you doctor before doing this.
3.some deep breathing exercise.
That can help with a spirometer or you can take the help of
normal birthday balloons, blowing to the balloon for good 3 breaths and holding
some time, inhale and take out the breath very gradually, it will keep your
lungs in good shape and it will improve the oxygenation. And can also do deep
breathing or breath-holding exercise if you are doing the first time you may
hold 5 sec and increase your holding 2-3 sec daily with your family member and
encourage to each other to increase your breath holding time it will maintain
your lung capacity and shape.
4-Mental health is equally important in covid 19infection
for speedy recovery purpose don’t panic that is worst you can do stay very
positive stay away from negativity don’t watch too much of negative news on
television rather invest your time in resting, reading good books, listen to
good and piece full music, and if time permits connect with your friends
through phone and video chat keep positivity around you don’t panic at all this
will help very much in your speedy recovery.